RS+ Failing Test 1 on firmware upgrade

Hi There,

I am thinking of upgrading my two RS + units (curently on old 2.16.2 firmare) to the latest avialable (which it says is 26) but I am getting a failed test on one of the units.

Its only failing Test 1, and it appears to still give me the option of upgrading (it shows a red dot rather than a red cross next to the update step), but I am loathe to try updating unless I know what the Test 1 failure means (I was updating the units via directly logging into them whilst on a network, rather than through the reach view app).

So, can anyone advise what a Test 1 failure might mean?

Many thanks,


Hi Simon,

Welcome to our community forum!

Can you contact us at or share your email here? I think troubleshooting may require some sensitive info from you, so it’s better to continue over email.

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