RS+ cannot connect with reachview3 after update

my rs+ cannot connect with reachview3 android after update . wifi is connect good by rs+ (blink solid red and green) (blink slowly blue) and my android but cannot connect after connect if i choose setting in rechview3 it lost conection. how to solve this. thanks

Hi @jackdirent,

Welcome to our forum!

Just to make sure I understood you correctly, does the green LED of RS+ blink too?

Does the receiver appear in the list of available devices of ReachView 3, or it’s not there?

green light not blink, its solid green

yes its appear sometimes and after conected a few second maybe 20s its disconected or after i choose setting in reachview3

thanks for your attention liudmila

Hi @jackdirent,

Did the issue appear after the firmware update or the update of the ReachView 3 version?

Can you check the connection with Reach using some other mobile device? It can point out whether the issue is on Reach or the mobile device side.

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