RS+ Base shuts down during survey

We recently purchased 2 Reach RS+ units and set it up as a base and rover system. I’ve done a few surveys and results were excellent.

However, the base station shut down unexpectedly on my last survey. I tried it again today, and it shut down again, after about half an hour. It was about about 27°C, but somewhat overcast. The rover had no issues in the same environment.

Then, I would boot up the base again, and it would shut down after only a few minutes. After waiting a while, then I turned on both the base and rover, and they both remained on for an extended period (over 1 hour), although the base did turn off again (while the rover remained on).

I saved a log file, but as a “new user”, I’m unable to upload.

Any suggestions? I’ve emailed the log file to Support, so maybe they’ll have some suggestions.


Hi @Can-Man,

Welcome to the community forum!

I’ve received your email with a log file. Thanks for the data!

Indeed, this is not what you should expect from Reach RS+. We’ll investigate what’s going with your unit.

I suggest you switch our conversation to email since further troubleshooting may require sensitive information from you.

I’ve sent you an email with questions regarding your case.