RPI 4 support?

It seems last update on supporting RPI 4 was on 8th of august (about a month ago), so I took a courage to ask if it’s coming out any time soon?
For my project RPI 3 had not enough CPU power, however seems RPI 4 might do the work, so I’m really into trying to finally finish it.

Thank you so much in any case!

Keen to know too…

Hey there,

We have plans on adding RPi4 support in the future, but, there’s no exact release date.

What on earth are you using it for that your PI3 does not have enough processing power:thinking:

err…for me its and underwater ROV (both tethered and autonomous)…so I am controlling:

  • 1-2 x live streaming cameras (RPI)
  • 1 x camera tilt servo (navio2 - pwm)
  • 1 x under water gripper servo (navio2 - pwm)
  • 6 x thrusters (navio2 - pwm)
  • 4 x lights (navio2 - pwm)
  • 1 x GPS sensors and real-time mapping (navio2 - gps)
  • 1 x IMU sensors - heading, pitch, & roll (navio2 - IMU)
  • 1 x temperature and pressure sensor for electronics (navio2 - baro)
  • 1 x temperature of CPU (RPI)
  • 1 x monitoring of power usage (navio2 - adc)
  • 1 x under water temperature and depth sensor
  • 1 x under water echo sounder
  • code to manage ROV control on the surface via mobile phone
  • code to manage real-time depth hold, heading hold, and speed hold
  • hopefully code to capture 3d terrain mapping in the future

I need all the processing power I can get…:slight_smile:

Below is a quick demo of camera tilt, gripper, and a light…


Have you run HTOP or TOP to see how much processing your applications are using?

I am currently building version 2.0 which will have less reliance on the RPI for basic operations including PWM control.

But I will need more processing capacity in the future for things like 3D sea floor terrain modelling.

There is no point right now running HTOP because I am in the middle of the build.

However, Version 1 failed because the processing on the RPI in the ocean took the CPU temperature up to 90 degrees Celsius causing the board to throttle. More capacity (plus active cooling for RPI4) is less likely to strain the board.

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