Rover connected but not receiving corrections

Today i experienced an issue with our Emlid Rover (an RS2) failing to get corrections from our base station (an RS2) via NTRIP, despite it claiming to be receiving corrections.
Strangely, the rover was able to get corrections in morning. I had to stop for a few hours and when i came back to it in the afternoon the rover reported that it was “receiving corrections” but had 0 satellites in view from the base station. The rover could see 30 satellites and the base station around 40. The rover and base were about 100 m from each other.
These are the steps I’ve tried so far.
I tested the internet connection (which is via a mobile wifi router and sim card) - no issues and browsing the internet was fine on the same wifi network.
I rebooted the Rover - no change
Rebooted the Base station and checked it’s status on the emlid caster website - no issues, and it showed that the rover was connected to the mount point.
Tried a different wifi network - no change.

Can anyone offer suggestions of what else i can check?
Many thanks

Must be down or something?

Isn’t working?

Do they have anyone that deals with issues after hours?
6:20 PM
Tuesday, August 6, 2024 (GMT+2)
Time in Budapest, Hungary

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Thanks @timd1971
I’ve checked this morning and the status link you provided still shows an error, so presumably the caster service is still down.
I’m going to go and try it.
I’m surprised no one else is having this issue.

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Hi @ecw,

I’ve just tested Emlid Caster, and in my case, the rover was receiving corrections seamlessly. Are you still experiencing the same behaviour?

If so, I’d check the raw data logs from both receivers. After configuring the correction streaming via Emlid Caster, please record the following logs with the base and the rover for at least 10-15 minutes:

  • UBX raw data log with enabled raw data debug option

  • Base correction log in RTCM3 format

  • Position log in LLH format

Once the recording is done, generate a full system report for both units, and please email them along with the recorded logs to Thank you!

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Hi @ecw ,

The status page was indeed unavailable, it’s fixed now.The availability of the page is not related to Caster’s operations status though. It will be great if you could follow @kornel.nemeti’s advice so we can learn whether this issue is at the firmware level or the Caster level.


hi @kornel.nemeti @egor.fedorov,
Thanks for your replies.
Yesterday morning i used the rover and base station with LoRa to provide corrections.
When i tried switching the base station and rover back to NTRIP in the afternoon it started working again and still ok this morning.
I changed nothing other than base and rover set to LoRa, then back to NTRIP.

One thing that may be relevant. When the problem first occurred, the rover had been connected to a mobile router WiFi network which ran out of batteries. Before that had happened there was no problem. After the mobile router had been charged up and the wifi network was available again was when the caster problem occurred.
In the recent past (same firmware), we experienced problems with our RS2 base station jumping between Access Points (same wifi network) and even though the wifi signal was fine and available the RS2 would stop connecting to it. More details on this thread (RS2 as base station, keeps losing connection to wifi). I wonder if loss of wifi signal triggers some bug in the firmware, so that even when the wifi network is available again data does not flow?

photo of the rover showing it connected to

the base station but without receiving any corrections. The emlid caster service was also showing the base online and the rover connected to the mount point.


Hi @ecw,

I answered to you via email. Can you please check your inbox when you have time?

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Would love to know what came of this.

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