Rnx2rtkp option "ant2-postype =llh" always gives me Q=0

I’m having trouble getting any data from post process (rnx2rtkp from RTKLIB2.4.3)when I set


in which case it only gives me Q=0. This does not seem to be related to another setting as I have tried switch only this setting on all the example config files with similar results.
ant2-postype =llh # (0:llh,1:xyz,2:single,3:posfile,4:rinexhead,5:rtcm)
#reach: 21.312980386 157.920800819 23.9450
ant2-pos1 =27.312980386 # (deg|m)
ant2-pos2 =150.920800819 # (deg|m)
ant2-pos3 =24.9450 # (m|m)

If I set it to rinexhead it seems to work fine and gives me Q=2 and Q=1.
ant2-postype =rinexhead # (0:llh,1:xyz,2:single,3:posfile,4:rinexhead,5:rtcm)
#reach: 21.312980386 157.920800819 23.9450
ant2-pos1 =27.312980386 # (deg|m)
ant2-pos2 =150.920800819 # (deg|m)
ant2-pos3 =24.9450 # (m|m)

full config file

#rtkpost options (2010/08/07 09:24:29, v.2.4.0)
#pos1-posmode =kinematic # (0:single,1:dgps,2:kinematic,3:static,4:movingbase,5:fixed,6:ppp-kine,7:ppp-static)
pos1-posmode =kinematic # (0:single,1:dgps,2:kinematic,3:static,4:movingbase,5:fixed,6:ppp-kine,7:ppp-static)
pos1-frequency =l1 # (1:l1,2:l1+l2,3:l1+l2+l5)
pos1-soltype =combined # (0:forward,1:backward,2:combined)
pos1-elmask =15 # (deg)
pos1-snrmask =35 # (dBHz)
pos1-dynamics =on # (0:off,1:on)
pos1-tidecorr =off # (0:off,1:on)
pos1-ionoopt =off # (0:off,1:brdc,2:sbas,3:dual-freq,4:est-stec)
pos1-tropopt =off # (0:off,1:saas,2:sbas,3:est-ztd,4:est-ztdgrad)
pos1-sateph =brdc # (0:brdc,1:precise,2:brdc+sbas,3:brdc+ssrapc,4:brdc+ssrcom)
pos1-exclsats = # (prn …)
pos1-navsys =23 # (1:gps+2:sbas+4:glo+8:gal+16:qzs+32:comp)
pos2-armode =fix-and-hold # (0:off,1:continous,2:instantaneous,3:fix-and-hold)
pos2-gloarmode =off # (0:off,1:on,2:autocal)
pos2-arthres =3
pos2-arlockcnt =0
pos2-arelmask =0 # (deg)
pos2-aroutcnt =5
pos2-arminfix =10
pos2-slipthres =0.05 # (m)
pos2-maxage =30 # (s)
pos2-rejionno =30 # (m)
pos2-niter =1
pos2-baselen =0 # (m)
pos2-basesig =0 # (m)
out-solformat =llh # (0:llh,1:xyz,2:enu,3:nmea)
out-outhead =on # (0:off,1:on)
out-outopt =off # (0:off,1:on)
out-timesys =gpst # (0:gpst,1:utc,2:jst)
out-timeform =hms # (0:tow,1:hms)
out-timendec =3
out-degform =deg # (0:deg,1:dms)
out-fieldsep =
out-height =ellipsoidal # (0:ellipsoidal,1:geodetic)
out-geoid =internal # (0:internal,1:egm96,2:egm08_2.5,3:egm08_1,4:gsi2000)
#out-solstatic =all # (0:all,1:single)
out-solstatic =all # (0:all,1:single)
out-nmeaintv1 =0 # (s)
out-nmeaintv2 =0 # (s)
out-outstat =off # (0:off,1:state,2:residual)
stats-errratio =100
stats-errphase =0.003 # (m)
stats-errphaseel =0.003 # (m)
stats-errphasebl =0 # (m/10km)
stats-errdoppler =10 # (Hz)
stats-stdbias =30 # (m)
stats-stdiono =0.03 # (m)
stats-stdtrop =0.3 # (m)
stats-prnaccelh =1 # (m/s^2)
stats-prnaccelv =0.1 # (m/s^2)
stats-prnbias =0.0001 # (m)
stats-prniono =0.001 # (m)
stats-prntrop =0.0001 # (m)
stats-clkstab =5e-12 # (s/s)
ant1-postype =llh # (0:llh,1:xyz,2:single,3:posfile,4:rinexhead,5:rtcm)
ant1-pos1 =0 # (deg|m)
ant1-pos2 =0 # (deg|m)
ant1-pos3 =0 # (m|m)
ant1-anttype =*
ant1-antdele =0 # (m)
ant1-antdeln =0 # (m)
ant1-antdelu =0 # (m)
#set base coordinates here**
ant2-postype =llh # (0:llh,1:xyz,2:single,3:posfile,4:rinexhead,5:rtcm)
#reach: 21.312980386 157.920800819 23.9450
ant2-pos1 =20.312980386 # (deg|m)
ant2-pos2 =-157.920800819 # (deg|m)
ant2-pos3 =25.9450 # (m|m)
ant2-anttype =*
ant2-antdele =0 # (m)
ant2-antdeln =0 # (m)
ant2-antdelu =0 # (m)
misc-timeinterp =on # (0:off,1:on)
misc-sbasatsel =0 # (0:all)
file-satantfile =…/…/…/data/igs05.atx
file-rcvantfile =…/…/…/data/igs05.atx
file-staposfile =…/…/…/data/stations.pos
file-geoidfile =
file-dcbfile =…/…/…/data/P1C1_ALL.DCB
file-tempdir =
file-geexefile =
file-solstatfile =
file-tracefile =

FIgured it out! thanks to Q=1 if RINEX Header and Q=0 with known base coordinates - #13 by TB_RTK had the wrong gps coordinate. YAY!