RINEX recorded files for Matrice 350 PPK

Can someone please give me an explanation of what all these files are when unzipped? I figured out the .24O file is the observation file. Which file is the navigation file? What are the .24P and .24B files? What about .LLH?

Any preferred workflow for PPK with Matrice 350 RTK with P1 camera? The P1 folder has .nav file, .obs file and .mrk file. And where is the UBX file? I don’t see it in this file structure after it gets unzipped.

Hi @dave1,

When you unzip the folder with drone data, you should encounter several key files where you can use on the PPK process, the files should include:

  • .24O: This is your observation file, which has all the raw GNSS data, such as satellite positions and signal strength.
  • .24P: This is the precise ephemeris file, which gives super accurate satellite orbit data to improve post-processing accuracy. It’s usually from external services and is more precise than the regular broadcast ephemeris.
  • .24B: This is the broadcast ephemeris file, which contains information about satellite orbits sent directly from the satellites.
  • .LLH: After post-processing, this file has processed coordinates in Latitude, Longitude, and Height format.
  • .nav: The navigation file, containing satellite data used to figure out satellite positions during post-processing.
  • .mrk: The marker file stores the timestamps for each camera trigger during a flight, linking GNSS data to camera positions.
  • UBX: This is a raw data format from many GNSS receivers. If you don’t see a UBX file, it might mean the raw data has already been converted to RINEX (like the .obs file), which is more commonly used.

For the preferred workflow for PPK with the Matrice 350 RTK (P1 Camera), first, ensure you have the required files (.nav, .obs, and .mrk) from both the P1 camera and your base station. If the files are in UBX format, convert them to RINEX using Emlid Studio. Next, process the observation (.obs) and navigation (.nav) files in Emlid Studio, combining drone and base station data to improve positioning accuracy. Then, use the .mrk file to link the corrected GNSS positions with image timestamps, ensuring precise geolocation for each photo. Finally, after processing, you’ll have corrected image geotags and accurate coordinates for Ground Control Points (GCPs) or other important locations.

We have this page in our documents that explain in more details the drone processing data on Emlid Studio.

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Thank you that is very helpful. Can you help with a couple other questions?
What is the default coordinate system of the RS2 plus? and What does coordinate system does EMLID studio retag the dataset of pictures to?

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One more question. IN Emlid studio it appears it only wants the .240 file for the base. Under Navigation should I put both .NAV files for base and drone inside or just the drone? Same for .MRK?

The nav file can be either from your base or drone. It doesn’t matter. The MRK file is your trajectory showing each captured image.

I would start here: Drone data processing | Emlid Studio.

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Hi @dave1,

Thank you that is very helpful. Can you help with a couple other questions?
What is the default coordinate system of the RS2 plus? and What does coordinate system does EMLID studio retag the dataset of pictures to?

Regarding this question, the Emlid Reach receivers uses the WGS84 as its default coordinate system, which is a global standard for GNSS positioning. When Emlid Studio processes and retags datasets, such as geotagging photos, it also uses WGS84 to ensure consistency with the receivers and compatibility with most GIS and photogrammetry applications.

One more question. IN Emlid studio it appears it only wants the .240 file for the base. Under Navigation should I put both .NAV files for base and drone inside or just the drone? Same for .MRK?

Yes, as @Zaz5400 mentioned, it’s right you can use either of the files on the Navigation part and the MRK should provide the trajectory of the drone.

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