RINEX log date inconsistency

Minor issue, but confusing if the RINEX log option Restart logs at 00:00 UTC is selected, and in this case I also have the AUSPOS option selected.

The RINEX files appear to be date stamped in the list at an earlier time presumably in preparation to the log being ready to accept the first observation at 00:00.

The problem is for a 24hr log, the file then gets date stamped as the previous day.

For example, for yesterday 21 February 00:00 through 23:59 the log gets confusingly timestamped as 20 February 23:59.

Internally the RINEX dates remain sound:


Hi @Wombo,

Thanks for reporting this issue. I tried recording logs yesterday with the Restart logs at 00:00 UTC option enabled and could reproduce the same.

I’ve reported this to the development team and will keep you posted if there are any updates. Thanks!

Hi @Wombo,

I received feedback from the developers and confirmed that this is expected behavior.

Instead of cutting exactly at 00:00 UTC, the log is actually split a bit earlier—around 23:59:40 UTC. This happens because of a few factors:

  1. The current difference between GPS time and UTC is about 18 seconds.
  2. An additional 2-second buffer is added to ensure a smooth restart.

As a result, the new log begins at approximately 23:59:59 UTC. This ensures that the log properly captures the change of epochs. And thus, in the UI, it appears to start at 23:59.

We hadn’t received any feedback on this until you brought it up, and we agree that the current behavior can be a bit confusing.

We’ll gather more feedback and then discuss with the team how to refine the behavior and the UI to improve clarity.

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