Request: Tilt Status when using 3rd party apps

I have spent the day setting up an RS3 to use with NTRIP off of a tablet’s hotspot. I successfully have the RS3 streaming tilt compensated coordinates via Bluetooth to the same tablet. This looks great so far.

I will be using ArcGIS Field Maps to collect data. When in the Field Maps app I have the RS3 set as the location Provider and all is well, I can see my fix status and estimated accuracy from within Field Maps. I can also hear the sounds from the RS3 when tilt initializes. What I cannot do is see any visual indication if my tilt compensation is initialized. I am requesting to use one of the LEDs on the RS3 to give a visual indication of tilt status.

Hi @zpruitt,

Welcome to the community, and thank you for sharing your feedback!

Could you share more about why you prefer a light indicator over sound? Thank you!

When you are actively working the sounds provide good feedback, however the concern is when the user sets it to the side for 30 seconds to have a conversation or take a phone call, their attention is not on the sounds. They will start taking shots again with no indication that tilt compensation isn’t being applied.

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Hi @zpruitt,

Ah, got it! Thanks for sharing your experience. I’ve noted it and passed it along to our team for consideration. I can’t promise any changes right now, but I’ll keep you posted.

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After using the RS3 a little bit more I would like to point out that no sound is triggered when you lose tilt initialization so the sounds are not a workaround for now either.

Hi @zpruitt,

That’s a good point! We have a feature request noted for a sound alert when tilt is lost, and I’ll add yours as a +1 to it. But I get how visual cues could be more helpful.

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