Reading ADS1115 ADC using I2C port


I need more ADC channels than the Navio2 already has, so I’m trying to use an external ADS1115 ADC on breakout board connected over I2C.

I’ve enabled I2C in raspi-config, and installed the ‘Adafruit Python ADS1x15’ drivers from github. The problem is when I run command ‘i2cdetect -y 1’ it doesn’t show any device connected. I presumed that the I2C port was directly routed to raspberry Pi’s normal I2C input pins, so I wouldn’t need to do anything differently. Is this true, or do I need different drivers?

Thanks for any help,

Hi there, Simon!

As a matter of fact it is enabled by default! In any case you shouldn’t get nothing after running i2cdetect -y 1 as the barometer is connected to this bus at 0x77.

Could you please run sudo i2cdetect -y 1 and sudo emlidtool and post the results?

This is true. You don’t need to do anything differently.

I don’t think so because I used them on the Navio+ back in the day for the very same sensor and they were alright.

Thanks George; these are the results:

pi@navio:~ $ i2cdetect -y 1
         0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f
    00:          -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

pi@navio:~ $ sudo emlidtool
emlidtool version: 0.8.8
Vendor: Emlid Limited
Product: Navio 2
Issue: Emlid 2017-03-23 5e28de2c424cadfb61a62b88e9c0af98a6d25545
Kernel: 4.4.36-a7765e7-emlid-v7+
Trying to run tests
Testing all sensors
2017-12-02 17:48:28 navio root[999] WARNING Please check board voltage (4.174V)!
2017-12-02 17:48:28 navio root[999] ERROR ms5611: Failed
 -- Reason: No connection!
2017-12-02 17:48:28 navio root[999] INFO lsm9ds1: Passed
2017-12-02 17:48:28 navio root[999] INFO rcio_status_alive: Passed
2017-12-02 17:48:28 navio root[999] INFO mpu9250: Passed
2017-12-02 17:48:28 navio root[999] INFO pwm: Passed
2017-12-02 17:48:28 navio root[999] ERROR adc: Failed
 -- Reason: Tramp
emlidtool -h to get more help

Okay, the results show that the connection is loose. Could you please try the same but with a little pressure on the connector that connects Navio 2 and your Raspberry Pi?

Ah right; do you think that’s the cause of the board voltage warning, or is it why there’s the error with the barometer?
Anyway I’ve tried taking apart the two boards, putting them back together and applying pressure but I get the same results:

pi@navio:~ $ sudo emlidtool
emlidtool version: 0.8.8
Vendor: Emlid Limited
Product: Navio 2
Issue: Emlid 2017-03-23 5e28de2c424cadfb61a62b88e9c0af98a6d25545
Kernel: 4.4.36-a7765e7-emlid-v7+
Trying to run tests
Testing all sensors
2017-12-03 10:25:58 navio root[973] WARNING Please check board voltage (4.168V)!
2017-12-03 10:25:58 navio root[973] ERROR ms5611: Failed
 -- Reason: No connection!
2017-12-03 10:25:58 navio root[973] INFO lsm9ds1: Passed
2017-12-03 10:25:58 navio root[973] ERROR adc: Failed
 -- Reason: Tramp
2017-12-03 10:25:58 navio root[973] INFO rcio_status_alive: Passed
2017-12-03 10:25:58 navio root[973] INFO pwm: Passed
2017-12-03 10:25:58 navio root[973] INFO mpu9250: Passed
emlidtool -h to get more help

This is a photo of the connection

Sorry, it’s taken me so long to get back to you!

How do you power up your Navio 2? It seems like the board is underpowered. Could you try powering it using a power module or another adapter. Board voltage (4.168V) looks extremely low.

I can also suggest to remove I2C pull ups from the board as they are already present on Raspberry. Now you have two sets of pull up resistors in parallel which affects signaling on the whole bus.

Thanks for the suggestions. I’ve tried with the power module but it still gives the low voltage warning.

pi@navio:~ $ sudo emlidtool
emlidtool version: 0.8.8
Vendor: Emlid Limited
Product: Navio 2
Issue: Emlid 2017-03-23 5e28de2c424cadfb61a62b88e9c0af98a6d25545
Kernel: 4.4.36-a7765e7-emlid-v7+
Trying to run tests
Testing all sensors
2017-12-11 17:29:34 navio root[955] WARNING Please check board voltage (4.122V)!
2017-12-11 17:29:34 navio root[955] ERROR ms5611: Failed
 -- Reason: No connection!
2017-12-11 17:29:34 navio root[955] INFO mpu9250: Passed
2017-12-11 17:29:34 navio root[955] ERROR adc: Failed
 -- Reason: Tramp
2017-12-11 17:29:34 navio root[955] INFO pwm: Passed
2017-12-11 17:29:34 navio root[955] INFO lsm9ds1: Passed
2017-12-11 17:29:34 navio root[955] INFO rcio_status_alive: Passed
emlidtool -h to get more help

I’ve tried removing the wifi antenna in case that was somehow affecting the voltage, but there’s no difference.
I don’t have a multimeter unfortunately, but I also tried reading a potentiometer with the ADC, and it shows the ‘high’ voltage is the same as the voltage shown on the warning message.

Sorry Igor, but I don’t understand how to remove the I2C pull ups (my electronics knowledge is not great). I presume you’re referring to removing some resistors? Would this affect the board voltage? Thanks

Just to clarify; I was using the onboard ADC to read the potentiometer.

Hi Igor,
I know this is a little while since I created this post but I still haven’t made any progress with the Navio2 Low voltage warning. Are you suggesting to remove resistors R11 and R12 from the board? Thanks for your help.

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