Read out the IMU values

Hi, I want to read out the IMU values like gyro, accel and magnetometer in multiple beagle bone blue i am working on LINUX, but i am getting different errors in each board, this is the error while reading magnetometer.
spin spin spin!!!

ERROR: retreived all zeros from magnetometer

Okay Stop!
Calculating calibration constants…
exiting rc_calibrate_mag_routine without saving new data
Failed to complete magnetometer calibration

and in some board i couldn’t able calibrate the accelerometer ERROR in rc_mpu_calibrate_accel_routine, center of fitted ellipsoid out of bounds
most likely the unit was held in incorrect orientation during data collection
Failed to complete accelerometer calibration.

and while calibrating the gyro i am getting
This program will generate a new gyro calibration file
keep your board very still for this procedure.
Press any key to continue

Starting calibration routine
Gyro data too noisy, put me down on a solid surface!
trying again
Gyro data too noisy, put me down on a solid surface!
trying again
Gyro data too noisy, put me down on a solid surface!
trying again
Gyro data too noisy, put me down on a solid surface!
trying again
Gyro data too noisy, put me down on a solid surface!
trying again .
any suggestion or solution on this.

Hi Dhanraj,

Welcome to the forum!

We haven’t tested such a setup, so I can hardly suggest anything here. Hopefully, someone from our users who’s experienced with it can advise you something.