Reachview3 configurate precision solutions

Good day, I used reachview and when I created a new project, I configurated the parameters for solutions, for example fix solution: 5 seg and precision less than 5cm, float 30 seg and precision less than 50 cm, but in the reachview3 I can’t find this option, so I need to know, how can I configurate my precision range for my solutions in reachview3.

I am using android 9 an reachview3 v5.9

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Hi Enrique,

Welcome to our community!

Thanks for the request. At the moment, there’s no Precision auto-save rule in the ReachView 3 app, but we’ll consider adding it in future releases.


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Hi @torres_moya,

We’ve recently released Emlid Flow 10.3. The new update includes a new rule (along with Fix only) to the survey tools, allowing users to set a precision limit for data collection.

We’re happy to hear your feedback!

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