ReachView v2.13.2 dev update - GLONASS AR, Wi-Fi tab, Survey project view

Except for if you own RS+… hope to see these improvements here soon as well.

True. Although I think most people do have the RS, as the RS+ is still so new.

Amazing update guys! I am testing it in Singapore and I don’t have hard numbers but the performance is indeed much stabler and accurate based on experience. My setup is Reach rover connected to an IGS base station with about a 16km baseline.

For some reason I forgot to bump the thread, sorry :slight_smile:

A new update is out for testing, see updates in the original post for details. Any feedback is great as always!


The latest version (v2.13.2) is within the stable category or dev?.
In case it is dev, would you recommend the update for users with little experience? Or wait until the stable version.

This thread is about the dev (development) version. Dev versions are for people who are comfortable with testing out the new features and are able to reflash their units back to stable if necessary.

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I would stick with the stable version UNLESS there is a drop dead feature you ABSOLUTELY cannot live without. As the stable version is delivering good solid performance, I would only install DEV if a feature you requested was in there.


Hi Simon.

I guess I did not know how to ask my question. The answer/explanation you gave is what I expected.
For the moment I will stay with the stable version.


Yes, Simon has the safer answer for sure. I guess it also depends heavily if you are engaged in learning about the device capabilities or if you are engaged in production work.

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