Hello everyone,
The team is working on some big stuff, so it’s been kind of quiet recently. I decided to push a new small dev update so that you don’t miss us so much.
After adding CSV export option, we decided to simplify integration with an amazing map making service - Drone Deploy. They accept GCPs as a simple CSV file and you can now get it directly from Reach without need for any additional modifications.
- DroneDeploy CSV as a new export format. Since the coordinates are WGS84, it follows this template. If you don’t use the service, you can still treat it simply like a minimalistic CSV.
GCP,Latitude,Longitude,Elevation (m)
- RCH-933 RTK settings: Broken “Elevation mask angle” slider, reported by @Andreas_Ortner. Thanks!
- RCH-931 Wrong project creation date on display
- RCH-898 Fix menu height in Firefox
- RCH-709 Fix bolt icon getting stuck after a fast plug/unplug
- RCH-956 Firefox displays scrollbar in point collector
Hope this helps some you using our receivers for GCP collection. Map making in one of the most exciting Reach applications for us
Best regards,
Emlid team