Reachview dilemma

This post is another plea for Reachview for Windows and/or updating the on-board Reachview2 available through the browser. Currently there’s a functionality gap unless I’m missing something: Reachview 3 (android) is working well, and I’m simultaneously using TCP/IP position output to stream position to QGIS running on Windows. The current software offering however poses a bit of a dilemma:

  1. There’s no Reachview 3 for Windows so we must use Reachview 2 in a browser. RV2 lacks many recent improvements, notably local coordinate systems.
  2. I can get position from TCP/IP in QGIS but there’s no support for antenna height, position averaging. I hope that the Latlong coming in in EPSG4326 projects properly into my coordinate system.
    Due to the gaps in the software I therefore have to shoot points in Reachview 3 in Android (to log precise points in the NAD83(2011)) then I Emailed the shapefile to my laptop where I’m running the GIS software in the field. Not exactly a smooth workflow.
    A PostGIS connected to QField or Mergin Input might be a more professional workflow but this was a one-off project.
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Hi Nico,

I see why it’d be easier for you to work with Windows. However, ReachView 3 is a native app designed specifically for Android and iOS. We don’t have plans on implementing a Windows version, but thanks for sharing your thoughts! We’ll note the request.

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I can understand that though I will note that a lot of people have small Windows tablets as their EMLID controllers because that’s what works with Total Stations, Laser scanners, and other engineering devices. Note this is not Windows CE or Mobile, but full Windows desktop on a tablet.
Anyway, the other solution would be to update the internal Reachview inside the units from 2 to 3.
Thank you


Windows 11 is releasing the ability to run Android apps, so if your tablet is using windows 11 this might be something you can look into.


OK well that’s hopeful though the field tablets I’m using with the mapping software are on the older side (Win 7, 8, 10). I’ll see what the Android emulators can do.
Thank you

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