ReachView 3 support in South Korea

How are you?
I am happy to order EMLID RS2.
I’m just waiting for the delivery to arrive.

I’m curious about ReachView 3

This is South Korea.
1.Korean Language Support Status
2. Can you apply for KNGEOID 13,14,18?
3.Offline maps support

  • .sqlatedb or .mbtiles format ----> GURU MAPS APPLICATION (IOS,ANDROID)
  • Satellite maps can be downloaded through QGIS.
  • I hope because I can see the offline map and DXF together in ReachView 3

We propose a function, and look forward to it.
EMLID price competitiveness and technology value are respected
I hope there will be many Korean users.
Thanks to the EMLID team


Hi @JaeYun_Song,

At the moment, we don’t have Korean language support in ReachView 3. It’s technically possible, so we probably add this in the future. However, I can’t provide you with an ETA.

To add these geoids to ReachView 3 we need some additional info from you. Please let me know if you’re ready to answer some questions, and I’ll PM you.

Could you clarify whether you want to upload your own maps to ReachView 3?

  1. Thank you for your response to Korean language support.

2.KNGEOID 13, 14, 18 What do you need?
I’ll ask the public agency in charge of land geography.

3.I think it is clear if you use qgis coordinate transformation service.
Offline map is a wish.

Sorry for the late reply

When will the rs2 I ordered be delivered?

Thank you

Hi @JaeYun_Song,

Please check your PM. I’ve written to you there.

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