ReachView 3 and NYSDOT CORS

Prior to the last update I was using the NYSDOT CORS corrections with a generalized NAD83 (2011) coordinate system. After the update all of my projects were switched to Global CS. Can anyone direct me to the appropriate coordinate system for use with NYSDOT CORS corrections? The NAD83(2011) options are all region specific (ie New York East or Long Island).

“NYSDOT CORS positions are based on the North American Datum of 1983, Multi Year CORS Solution 2, NAD83 (2011) EPOCH 2010.00 (MYCS2).”

Is there any need to change my existing projects from Global CS to a NAD83 (2011) system? Is that possible?

Hi Matthew ! I haven’t used the app/equipment at all lately and I’m not familiar with the new updates. I’ve been extremely busy doing “office surveying” and living in AutoCAD world here the last three months.

You should select the system that the RTN provider is based on.

Whatever coordinate system you select to use, make sure that you check into some NGS passive control marks to verify the projection selected.

It will keep you sane and prevent a lot of headaches.
Others here and Emlid people should be able to help you.

Hi Matthew,

If NYSDOT CORS sends corrections in NAD83 (2011) EPOCH 2010.00 (MYCS2), with the Global CS option, you’ll have the coordinates in the same coordinate system.

You don’t need to change anything additionally and worry about the correct coordinates system at all.

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