ReachView 2.18.1

I have experienced sudden interruptions of wifi between rechview and RS + another user also consulted me for the same problem. With the previous versions had never happened?

What kind of interruption? Explain a bit more.

If your using WIFI, your constrained within the limited range of the WIFI router. Is there a reason why your using WIFI? Is it dropping out when out of range or obstacles? Then that is natural. ; )

Or do you possibly mean when using the Emlid Reach RS+'s internal HOTSPOT? (

Ideally you should either use the receiver’s HOTSPOT instead of WIFI, or if need be, your CELLULAR SERVICE PROVIDER’S HOTSPOT. I.e. cell phone.

I expressed myself badly, loses connection with the hotspot and the gps phone is about 50 cm. I was referring to the internal reach wifi

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Hi @agrimgalina,

Reach internal Wi-Fi module was basically designed to provide access to the ReachView and configure the receiver. It is not suited for transmitting base corrections, so its range isn’t very large.

Do I understand correctly that the phone is in a range of about 50 centimeters, not meters?

Could you make sure the issue remains with another phone? What model do you currently use?


if the distance from the pole to the cell phone handle 0.50 m or 50 cm. I use a Samsung J7 that with the previous versions worked for me without problem.

Hola Luis.

Haz intentado reflashear tu antena?.
Hace tiempo tuve un problema similar con una de mis RS, el punto hotspot de mi antena base no se encendía por lo que no tenía acceso a reachview.

Have you tried reflashing your antenna? .
Some time ago I had a similar problem with one of my RS, the hotspot point of my base antenna did not turn on so I had no access to reachview.

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Hola cómo estás ? Ese no es el problema, se conecta bien pero pasado un tiempo pierdo la conexión. Los leds se encienden perfectamente y la antena está a unos 50 cm del celular.
Compraste el RS2? Yo aún espero

Ok, entonces pierdes la conexión después de que hiciste tus ajustes.

El problema pasa cuando tu antena está en modo hotspot (led azul sólido) o cuando está conectada a internet (led azul parpadea)?.
Has intentado resetear a los ajustes de fábrica u oprimir el botón de encendido durante 15 segundos cuando tienes ese problema.

No todavía no las compro, necesito juntar mas $$.

Then you lose the connection after you made your adjustments.

Does the problem happen when your antenna is in hotspot mode (solid blue LED) or when it is connected to the internet (blue LED flashes)? You tried to reset to factory settings or press the power button for 15 seconds.

Ahora estoy usando mucho ntrip cuando tengo cobertura celular y me pasó tanto en Lora como ntrip. Pierde la conexión directamente y en una oportunidad lo tuve que resetear. Pero me tiene más preocupado unos falsos fijos, remidiendo puntos medidos desde la misma base difieren unos 20 cm, espero unos minutos los vuelvo a replantear y dan bien, no sé si es algo de la latencia o sea que momentáneamente se pierde la conexión y que da un fijo. Hay que ver la latencia sea lo más baja posible. Te cuento esto por si alguna ves los has experimentado. Un colega me comentó que Trimble tuvo un problema que dejaba una latencia de 10 segundos y que la tuvieron que bajar a 5 segundos por este problema. Esto es en ntrip, si en esos 10 segundos de la tencia te mueves te mantiene la coordenada anterior hasta que la actualiza.
Mis RS+ andan muy bien no me puedo quejar, revise un replanteo que hice con estación total y estuve por debajo del centímetro.
Now I am using a lot of ntrip when I have cell coverage and it happened to me in both Lora and ntrip. He lost the connection directly and on one occasion I had to reset it. But I have more worried about false fixes, repeating points measured from the same base differ about 20 cm, I hope a few minutes I rethink them and they give good, I do not know if it is something of the latency that is that the connection is momentarily lost and that Give a fixed. You have to see the latency as low as possible. I tell you this in case you have ever experienced them. A colleague told me that Trimble had a problem that left a latency of 10 seconds and that they had to lower it to 5 seconds because of this problem. This is in ntrip, if in those 10 seconds of the move you move it keeps the previous coordinate until it updates it.
My RS + walk very well I can not complain, I reviewed a staking that I did with total station and I was below the centimeter.

Yo he detectado latencia cuando uso la salida NMEA pero aún así logro buena precisión.
En este momento estoy trabajando con la versión 2.18, no he querido actualizar mis antenas porque pienso que está es una de las mejores actualizaciones que han hecho.

Espero y Emlid pueda resolver la falla que tiene tu antena.
También que cuentes tu experiencia de trabajo cuando recibas tus RS2.


I have detected latency when I use the NMEA output but still achieve very good accuracy.
At the moment I am working with version 2.18, I did not want to update my antennas because I think this is one of the best updates they have made.

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