Good afternoon from Texas! I’m doing a day of testing on my CORS setup and notice that the RX has not had an update in a while but the reason for the post is that I am still not getting the gray bars on the Status overview indicating connections with corrections. The unit is fixed and shooting well but that’s a key piece when monitoring your connection and whether or not there are any dirty constellations. The coordinates precision is also still buggy. It stops updating any time I sit still for a minute.
Hi Michael,
Which FW version do you have on your Reach RX? The latest version is 1.3 and I can see the grey bars on it.
You can update using the Firmware Flashing Tool available in the docs.
Hi Igor, it’s on “1 beta 3”. Is that the same? I’ll go check it out. Thanks!
I did the flash and everything is working correctly now. It states version “1.3”. Thank you!
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