Reach RS3 casing


one of my employees dropped our RS3, and the top shell cracked. Does anyone have a 3D file in STL, DXF, or another format so I can 3D print it? Otherwise, do you know if it’s possible to purchase one?

Thank you.

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Nope… email

Good luck.

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Hi @gleboeuf,

A fall can impact the RS3 in various ways, including its overall performance and accuracy. Replacing the top cover may not fully resolve any underlying issues that could have resulted from the drop.

To ensure your RS3 is functioning as expected, we handle such cases on an individual basis and recommend reaching out to our support team via email at

We’ll assess the situation and guide you on the next steps. Thanks!


3-4 YEARS AGO my RS2 fell on a concrete surface.
The shell was badly cracked open, fortunately it was below the antenna dome and it has kept taking measurements reliably. In fact, it has outlived 2 other RS2 receivers. I was able to mend the crack with Epoxy resin.