Reach RS2 Rover Collection Time Issue with Firmware 26

I recently updated my RS2 receivers to Firmware version 26. My update rate under the RTK settings is 5HZ. However after the update was completed I have noticed an issue with the collection time that seems to be related to the update rate.
I normally set my Rover to collect for 2 mins over each point, but since the version 26 update that 2 min counter takes about 6 minutes to run, before the point completes the record and I can select “Save & Go”. I never had this issue before the update. I did try changing the update rate to 1 hz which did correct the time counter, however since the sample count is so much lower I would need to collect for 10 minutes over the point to get the same sample count that is collected with 5 hz. Any advice on how to correct this issue or anything that I might be doing wrong?

Hi @raven15363,

It definitely shouldn’t work that way. Could you clarify whether you work with iOS or Android? Is there any chance you can record the screencast of this behavior? It will help us to reproduce the issue.

Hello Svetlana,

We use Samsung S4 and S6 Tablets running Android version 10. I have tried this on about 5 different set of units running as Base and Rover. I will see if I can do a screencast with the tablets next time I get a free moment to break them out.

I did some more testing today and noticed that it worked fine for the first 2 points that I collected. On the third point was when the time delay began. It seemed like it was not a constant delay that got longer as point collection went on. I tried to upload a video that was recorded showing the problem, but I cannot upload to the page.

Hi @raven15363,

Thanks for the update.

I’ve just noticed that you’re working with our Reach Panel app. However, we have the new ReachView 3 app that contains all the latest fixes and improvements. It can be downloaded in Google Play for Android.

May I ask you to check the Survey tool there? If the behavior repeats, please let me know.

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