Reach RS2 & iPhone hotspot

I’ve got an issue with wifi-scan on RS2-boot

Context: 3 Devices:

  • iPhone8s with wi-fi hotspot providing internet for other 2 devices.
  • RS2 for RTK-positioning, mounted outside on some machinery. (fetching corrections over NTRIP/wifi-hotspot) (firmware v2.22.5 - was up-to-date 2 weeks ago when it was installed on the machine)
  • Android smartphone in drivers-cabine with custom app (Bluetooth connection with RS2)

As a guideline to the driver to get started, I advised these steps in specified order:

  1. turn on hotspot on iPhone
  2. turn on RS2 & wait for solid blue wifi-light

Problem: very often (estimate of 50%), the wifi-led switches from flashing blue to white and the reach-hotspot is enabled.

Anybody has similar issues? (or advise on how to get consistent results?)
problem is I don’t have an iPhone, so I’m not that experienced with it’s behavior.
My belief is that iPhone personal hotspot broadcasts it’s wifi-SSID only with ‘large’ intervals, which are longer than the ‘scanning time’ of the RS2.

I don’t have an additional RS2 for testing for the moment (ordered another one, awaiting the delivery), so I’m not yet able to do additional tests, to prove my belief.
During my tests the RS2 was always connected to local WiFi, and it always connected immediately to this network without any issues.

Hi Andy,

Could you please ask the customer to follow this sequence when booting up?

  1. Turn off the RS2
  2. Make sure the iPhone is not connected to any Wi-Fi network
  3. Enable the Wi-Fi hotspot on the iPhone
  4. Turn on the RS2
  5. Keep the Wi-Fi hotspot tab open until RS2 completely boots up

That sequence enables the RS2 to reliably connect to the iOS hotspot.

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Thanks, I passed on the information (this evening he’s working in my neighbourhood, so probably I’m gonna pay him a visit anyway :slight_smile: )

After multiple tests, I did get consistent results. Now he had seen it’s possible, I hope connection will work reliable. (after switching on the hotspot he saw wifi was gone, and probably enabled it again which in turn disabled the hotspot again). Was probably a iPhone-usage problem and not a Reach-problem.
Thanks for the support anyway.

Andy, thanks for the update on this.

iPhone hotspot is indeed sometimes tricky to connect to. We’ll get it covered in one of our next tutorials.

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