Reach RS+ Unexpected Shutdown

Just received two RS+ units. So far so great.

Until we got to the job site and started setting up yesterday.

I was collecting GCP coordinates for a drone survey. About 10 minutes into the Base collecting its fix, it unexpectedly powered off. Outside temperature was 31c. Internal temp recorded as 37-40c according to battery indicator page.

After powering back on this unit keeps turning off unexpectedly. Each time the interval is shorter and shorter.

I really think there’s a hardware issue with this RS+ unit, and a thermal junction is being reached across one or many IC’s that’s tripping software/hardware shutdown mechanism.

When I returned home and it was night time, I set the base up with the exact same configuration. Outside temperature was is the 18-20c range. The unit did not power off and was on for 2 hours without a problem.

Any other cases of this?


Could you please send an email on with a link to this thread?


Just did.
