Reach RS+ satellite reception issue

Yes, thank you for that hint. I did exaggerate with the total loss. I will fix it but it will cost me at least one additional day (not accounting for the additional processing effort).

I have some ideas of gcps made from pressed Cattail fibers. We have some examples for other products (packing material) here and I think that would be a perfect solution.

No doubt. I have had a total loss before and learned my lesson. Iā€™m glad you can fix it and on the positive side you have to keep in mind how much it would have cost if you only had terrestrial surveyors and they had missed something.
Iā€™ve gotten to the point now that I will Mark things every time I go out even if I donā€™t plan on using ground control points so that I can go back later and collect them and reprocess if needed. We have had a few situations come up where questions were asked about a certain. Of time and I have been able to go back and have answers for them.
I would love to hear what you come up with for those kind of gcps. We run into that periodically when we are doing drainage studies.

We flag wetlands with biodegradeable tape. Iā€™ve used it for GCPs, work ok.


Hi Tobias,

Itā€™s better to work with the latest stable version (v2.20.8) on both devices.

Hi @RTK_Hunter,

Itā€™d be nice to get your logs and check them as well.

Hi Tatiana,

I had problems with the screen recording and will have to repeat it in the next days.

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Sent in PM. Any similarity?

Hi @RTK_Hunter,

Weā€™re looking into the issue currently. Iā€™ll update you once we have any clue about why it may occur.

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Hi @tobias-dahms, @RTK_Hunter,

We have examined all the data you shared and, Iā€™m afraid, itā€™s hardly possible to understand from them why the issue occurred. We have also tried to replicate that behavior, however, to no avail. The issue is not common and I havenā€™t faced something similar before, unfortunately.

If by any chance you experience such behavior again, please, provide us with the following data:

  • raw data logs
  • position logs
  • base correction logs
  • Full System report

Thank you.


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