Reach RS RADIO links -- please explain

Hello. I don’t quite understand from the documents I see online that specs of the radio links between 2 RS receivers.

Firstly, what do they come "built in " with. what is the range +/- of these radios (in urban environments)?

Secondly I see reference to LoRa radios – are these built in or “add on” what is their range in unban environments +/-?

How much do they cost, where do you get them, and how hard is it to set up?


Lora radios are built in to reach RS. Set up is zero. Just make sure they both have same settings. Don’t know about range yet. I got my RS set yesterday. Had them updated and going in half an hour. So far Lora is not available as add on for reach boards, I believe.

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I haven’t tried in the concrete jungle, but in a rural forested area I got 1.25km and with clear line of sight almost 20km. YMMV.

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Also, there is the option of using your own radio via USB or the external serial output.