Reach RS+ NTRIP over Hotspot Not Working

I am having extreme trouble getting (1) Reach RS+ Rover to connect to the WSRN (Washington State Reference Network) over a mobile hotspot broadcasted by a Samsung Active Tab 2. It works 100% fine when connected to my home Wi-Fi or my trucks Wi-Fi. As soon as I connect it to the mobile hotspot it does not work.

For Data Collector software I am using MicroSurvey Field Genius for Android.

Any suggestions?

Hi Sam,

Please check that your plan allows sharing the Internet to third-party devices.

Also, what if you try to access WSRN with Lefebure app?

Sorry for the late reply. The issue seems to be my SIM card would not receive the correct packets for NTRIP. I was able to get it working with a new hotspot. Also I am using Field Genius and they had changed some settings that made it a little more confusing to setup. In Field Genius you have to do all the NTRIP settings in there, then broadcast it to the RS+ with bluetooth. You have to set your corrections input in the Reach View app to bluetooth.

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