Reach RS not updating

I’m currently running ReachView version: v2.9.3-r0
It is asking me to update to v2.10.0.0 but when it goes to the update screen it is looking to connect to a wifi network (it is already connected to one of the ones listed and that is how i am connecting to it).

It will not proceed to the update after this point. Is there something I am missing?


Does the Wi-Fi network that Reach RS is connected to provide a gateway to the Internet?

Interesting. Can you please PM me a full system report?

It did this for a few hours but then seemed to resolve itself. I did powercycle it a few times. The connection I was using did have internet access as another Reach unit did connect and update.

If it happens again I will get the system report (the unit is now deployed for a week and is not accessible to me)


Ok! Please contact me if this happens again.

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