Reach RS+ is “dead”

Hi, im Caique Fernandes from Brazil!

Today i was on the field, and my Reach RS+ just turn off during the survey in RTK mode by Lora conection. I dont know how or the cause of this, but the receiver dont blink any led or turn on again.

Im certain about the level charge of battery and was full charged.

At home i put the reciever to charge the battery, but still “dead” with no blink of leds or turn on. I pressed the power button for more then 15 seconds but no answer too.

Please i need help to solve this situation.

Thank you!

Hi @caiquefrnds,

Sounds like something unusual and absolutely not normal. Contact us at with the device serial number (it’s printed on the bar code) and order details, and we will see how we can solve it for you.