Reach RS+ crashes when working with big projects?

Hello everyone,
I recently tried to use Reach Rs+ to stake out a country road of about 19 km. I created a new project in ReachView and uploaded all project points /around 1864/. While uploading the ReachView app froze. I restarted everything and saw that all points were uploaded. Calm that everything is ok, i went next day to stake out the project, i connected ReachRS+ with the app, opened my project and tried to zoom to a point and each time i reach certain level of zoom the ReachView crashed.
Does anyone has experienced something similar, and is there a solution for this?

Hi @sdobrev85,

Can I ask you to share your points file so that I can reproduce your issue?
You can send it to DM if you want.


Hi @sdobrev85,

I’ve tried to reproduce the issue with your file with no success.
Your .csv is quite big so you need to wait a bit longer to import it on Reach.

Note, that circle inside the blue button should spin while importing.

I think the problem is connected with restarting Reach during import. As a result, you get corrupted data.

Please, can I ask you to try one more time and wait until the import is done?


UPD: In the future release import speed will be significantly increased.

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