Reach RS and VBS question

In my country, Virtual Base station (VBS) or e-GNSS is well established. Is it possible to use one Reach RS as Rover and connected to VBS (if I subscribed the service) so I can get precise coordinates?



@sygong Yes, Reach RS is totally capable of working with virtual base station. Plenty of users are working with Reach RS that way.

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Thank you very much for your answer.

One more question. Now I have a Reach Rover on my drone and a Reach Base. I am considering to upgrade the Base to a Reach RS (so it needs to be set up as a Base in this case). Can I use the same Reach RS as a Rover connected to VBS (in doing so, does it needs to be set up as a Rover, right?), then used it as a Base for the Rover unit on my drone?


Of course, Reach RS can work as a rover and as a base.

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