I took another shot at interrogating the radio for its settings and got something back this time.
I was using ascii this whole time then in the documentation it explicitly says its hex.
I used RealTerm set up the Baud rate to 9600
I sent the interrogation/read command (0xFF 0x4C 0xCF 0x52 0xA1 0x52 0xF0) and got this:
HEX(responce) Meaning
Preamble: 24 None
Model Name: 31 30 31 48 101H
FW version: 31 36 31 30 30 34 31 1610041
LoRa MAC: A3 6C 7D 03 00 39 00 71
Group ID: 00 None (I thought this would have been the propriatary "key")
RF Freq: 0D F6 38 915MHz
RF Tx Rate: 05 18.23Kbps
RF Power: 07 20dBm
UART Baud Rate: 06 57600bps
UART Parity: 00 None
Wakeup Time: 05 1sec
End Word: 21 None
It is curious even though I set the baud rate to 9600bps the radio claims to be talking back at 57600bps.
No, I dont get anything back when I change the baud rate to 57600.
Maybe this is a change in the firmware that did not get documented in the Design Guide.
Thats it for today.