Reach Rover to Geophysical Instrument Integration

Does your GPR manual provide instructions? Post them here and I’ll see if I can help.


Thank you but there are no settings on my GPR software that I can change.
GpR producer also sent me the wiring connector
I used to connect a smart antenna with no problem through serial port

Two areas to troubleshoot:

  • Details of your connection from Reach DF-13 to Serial connector (pin out). See my photo above.
  • Particular NMEA message requirements of your GPR and baud rate. Check GPR manual. These are the requirements of my GPR.

Our requirements are rather flexible. Any unit that sends the NMEA GGA command should work. …It will even interface with other NMEA compatible units that output waypoints in the NMEA sentences:
If your GPS outputs a GGA command every second in a standard serial fashion (4800 baud, 8 bit, no parity,1 stop bit), …, then we can talk to your GPS …

Some more info from Emlid.

At this time the features are not completed except GST message which presents since v2.7. However, they are not forgotten.
We’ve fixed some of the NMEA string messages earlier. We’ve collected many reports that with the update rate of 1Hz in RTK Settings and 9600 baud rate everything works just fine (I’ve heard of different data collectors and GPRs).
-Dec 2017

The supported NMEA messages and serial baud rates are listed here -

To help troubleshoot, first ensure your Reach is pushing NMEA over serial by logging to a PC console/shell.


I am interested in this topic. I use reach M+ for tractor guidance. I was asking myself if it would be possible to connect the reach M+ also to isobus terminals (for example Does someone has tried this or is this impossible. This terminals send gps data over rs232.

Kind regards