Reach Module - Don't detected

I’m having problems with my reach module to connect to wifi. I accessed to the device with SSH and I saw that the /data filesystem was full, I also saw som errors with bluetooth, so I decided to reflash the device.

I installed the last versión of the reach firmware flash tool (1.11.1) and upgraded to the las version the tool offered to me, sorry I can’t remember what version was.

After install the new firmware, I lost all access to my device, I’m can’t detect the reach:xx:xx wifi.

I’m trying to reflash again and windows 11 is saying that don’t know the usb device.
This is the sequence of booting:

  • Plug the usb in the computer
  • 4 seconds, leds off, error on windows “Don’t know device”
  • 1 second, led white a few milleseconds
  • blue a few millseconds
  • purple and red 7 seconds (aprox)
  • blue a few milliseconds, error on windows “Don’t know device”
  • purple and red 7 seconds
  • leds off aprox 80 seconds
  • The sequence begins again

How can I revive the device?

Hi @davidrf,

Let’s try powering up your Reach Module without reflashing it. What is the LED’s behavior? Do all the LEDs turn off again?

Please check if the LED blinks again after waiting a little longer, around 30-45 seconds after all the LEDs turn off.

I can’t reflash, the module isn’t detected.

The leds behavior are what I described in the first message, except, that after a long time, the led remain blue.

Hi @davidrf,

Blue LED means your Reach Module is connected to a known Wi-Fi network. Let’s try connecting to the Reach Module in Emlid Flow.

  • Since the device has no battery, you should connect the Raech Module to any USB power source to get power. It can be a power bank, wall adapter, or computer port.

  • Please wait until the LED turns blue once more. Then, connect your mobile phone to the same Wi-Fi network as the Reach module. This network might be from a nearby Wi-Fi router.

  • Open the Emlid Flow on your phone and check if the Reach Module will appear.

Thank you, and let me know how it goes.