Reach module blocked on fetching available logs

I am just starting and one of my reach module is unable to log, the other works perfectly.
On the module unable to log the message “Fetching available logs…” is always displayed in the log tab.
The module unable to log also displays a different configuration window as the module that works. The screenshot hereafter represents the configuration window generated by the module unable to log.
Thanks if you could give me a hint on how to solve this problem.

I also had a problem with getting to the config and the log page today. It turned out that Reach’s was 100% full and could not write to disk.

One way to get around it is to ssh in and delete a few old log files to get some disk space.

Please report back if this was the problem or not.

When I plugged this evening my module to access it through ssh everything worked properly even before connecting with Putty! This morning I disconnected and plugged again the module several times but it didn’t change anything. It is good to know that it was only a “classical” computer bug.

Thanks again for you kind attention and advice