Reach M2 compass

Hello everyone!

I use reach M2 for vehicle tracking (
inside special place). How can I track vehicle direction? I need not only location also need directions (as compass)?

Hi Nasimxon,

Welcome to our community!

I’d like to warn you straight away from placing the receiver inside a special place. The antenna at least should be outside to track the satellites, otherwise tracking turns impossible. You can check out our Antenna Placement guide for more details.

Generally, all you need after the correct placement is to connect your receiver to the base and get the Fix solution. You can organize the position output via the Serial (USB or UART): that’s the easiest way to connect to your vehicle’s controller. Just make sure the vehicle speed and the receiver’s update rate are in a good ratio so you get the precise positioning.

If you’re looking at the compass, I recommend going with the external one. It’ll give you the required data. Reach receivers don’t output the IMU data straightforwardly.

Thank you polina.buriak.

Which external compass model do you recommend?

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Nothing specific, I don’t think. There is a lot of different equipment for different purposes, their sensitivity is dependent on that. I believe you can start with checking what our users work with here one the forum and then analyze how it fits into your setup.

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