Reach base module configuration

The manual ( Status ) says:
when float: green/yellow blinks
when fix: green blinks
and I can say (with v2.1.6):
green is always on, in ‘nothing’, in single and in float…in fix I cannot test at the moment.

I would use Reachview,bluetooth or output other solution to rtklib, verifying that you have fix before starting and display live feed.
I would not relay on Led color yet. As its still Beta
For RTK work, i would try both units with gps AR on, but glonass AR off
And also read this for better understand the difference; instantaneous, continuous, and fix-and-hold


I’ve essentially duplicated TB_RTK results using RTKExplorer v2.4.3 demo5 b24 post-processing using your raw data.

One thing I did notice was that it appears that the signal strengths varied significantly with each walk around the path. I would think that, if you had a clear view of the sky, this would not be the case. The SNRs and slips can be seen in the post processing visibility analysis. Its also possible that some interference may be present.

Emlid appears to have an emlid version of RTKPOST with some of the improvements. Have not tried it yet, but appears to have several improvements over previous versions. See DOCs.

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I am newbie! I just received the pack of 2 reach.

I have read the reach documentation, but I still not understand everything!!!

I would like to first use one reach as the base and the other one as a “static rover” (taking waypoints). My reachview is 2.3.0. I would like to use the both as I will use the static rover in the forest, so the signal will be poor and I would like to improve the position with the base which is in clear sky condition.

My questions:

  1. What would be the configuration for the reach that I will use as the base and the one that I will use as a “static rover”? Does I need to specify which is the rover and which is the base? How can I do this?

  2. For the PPK, I only need to “turn on logging for base and rover (RAW)” as mentionned by TB_RTK and on the website (Kinematic processing | Emlid Studio)?

I am sorry, i dont think this is gonna work, you can not make one reach perform better in bad conditions by sending it correction data from a position with good signals.
A google gave me this… Recommend reading it and understand how correction is helping rover get better accuracy
