RCinput not working on Mission Planner

This is my last attempt to get this thing working. Python script clearly shows RCInput, Mission Planner sees nothing. Got the latest image for the Raspberry Pi and the latest Mission Planner.

Please help before I chuck this thing in the bin.

emlidtool version: 0.8.8
Vendor: Emlid Limited
Product: Navio 2
Issue: Emlid 2017-03-23 5e28de2c424cadfb61a62b88e9c0af98a6d25545
Kernel: 4.4.36-a7765e7-emlid-v7+
Trying to run tests
Testing all sensors
2017-12-27 22:16:56 navio root[1784] INFO ms5611: Passed
2017-12-27 22:16:56 navio root[1784] ERROR pwm: Failed
– Reason: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/export’
2017-12-27 22:16:56 navio root[1784] INFO mpu9250: Passed
2017-12-27 22:16:56 navio root[1784] INFO rcio_status_alive: Passed
2017-12-27 22:16:56 navio root[1784] INFO adc: Passed
2017-12-27 22:16:56 navio root[1784] INFO lsm9ds1: Passed

Looks like theres some permission issues, although running it with sudo doesn’t show this error.

I would start by having things updated

> pi@navio:~ $ sudo emlidtool
> emlidtool version: 1.0.3
> Vendor: Emlid Limited
> Product: Navio 2
> Issue: Emlid 2017-09-22 94b6586ea415c117b57d0d9eed9fc2df0bf1bcfd
> Kernel: 4.9.45-94f47ec-emlid-v7+
> 2017-12-28 02:23:10 navio root[22524] WARNING Could not run tests because ArduPilot is running
> emlidtool -h to get more help

pi@navio:~ $ sudo emlidtool
emlidtool version: 1.0.3
Vendor: Emlid Limited
Product: Navio 2
Issue: Emlid 2017-09-22 94b6586ea415c117b57d0d9eed9fc2df0bf1bcfd
Kernel: 4.9.45-94f47ec-emlid-v7+
2017-12-28 02:27:02 navio root[22623] INFO pwm: Passed
2017-12-28 02:27:02 navio root[22623] INFO lsm9ds1: Passed
2017-12-28 02:27:02 navio root[22623] INFO rcio_status_alive: Passed
2017-12-28 02:27:02 navio root[22623] INFO adc: Passed
2017-12-28 02:27:02 navio root[22623] INFO mpu9250: Passed
2017-12-28 02:27:02 navio root[22623] INFO ms5611: Passed
2017-12-28 02:27:02 navio root[22623] INFO gps: Passed
emlidtool -h to get more help

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Thanks for the reply.

emlidtool version: 0.8.8
Vendor: Emlid Limited
Product: Navio 2
Issue: Emlid 2017-03-23 5e28de2c424cadfb61a62b88e9c0af98a6d25545
Kernel: 4.4.36-a7765e7-emlid-v7+
Trying to run tests
Testing all sensors
2017-12-28 14:05:26 navio root[12442] INFO mpu9250: Passed
2017-12-28 14:05:26 navio root[12442] INFO pwm: Passed
2017-12-28 14:05:26 navio root[12442] INFO lsm9ds1: Passed
2017-12-28 14:05:26 navio root[12442] INFO ms5611: Passed
2017-12-28 14:05:26 navio root[12442] INFO adc: Passed
2017-12-28 14:05:26 navio root[12442] INFO rcio_status_alive: Passed
emlidtool -h to get more help

I guess it’s time to give up. I guess the Navio2 is near end of life now anyway.


End of life ? Not sure why.

The Navio2 is still very well supported both by Emlid and by ArduPilot. If behaves as well as any ArduPilot compatible flight controller, and IMHO it has a huge advantage of being able to run apps on the RPI, so dispensing the need of having an external Companion Computer alongside a PixHawk.

I have a PR open on ArduPilot that will make the Navio2 a much more versatile controller than any PixHawk, by allowing thousands of waypoints on a mission, instead of the 700ish a STM32 allows.

And there are a few apps, being developed to run on Companion computers that will run straight on the Navio2, such like APSync or Maverick, greatly extending the functionality and versatility of the Navio2.

From your screen I see that you are not using an updated version, which I strongly recommend.

edit: I’m not associated with Emlid. I really like what they done with the Navio2. Only criticism would be to have a updated version with the new JST-GH connectors, instead of those horrible DF-13’s :slight_smile:


I’ve done all the updates I can. Is it possible I have an old firmware version (if that exists on these boards)?

I agree, I like the idea of the Navio2, i’ve just only got the thing working once, and it crashed and burnt out an ESC. I don’t blame the Navio2 for that, but would have thought getting the RCInput to work would be easy. Especially as I can see all 6 channels using the python script:

UPDATE: Using stretch has sorted the problem!


Thanks for the encouragement to not give up.

Happy New Year!