Raw rinex files

My GIS engineer is asking me what is the best way to look at the RAW RINEX recordings that the Receiver generates? We are using both RS2+ and R3. I know that you can bring the raw rinex files into Emlid studio for the PPK workflow but how can we look at noise for example and other aspects of the raw data?

RTKLIB will show you all these stats. I haven’t used it much lately so we may need to find out if there is a specific version that works best with the Emlid data. I have used the version linked below and it seemed to work ok for analysis but I didn’t try any processing.

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Hi Dave,

Besides importing the files for post-processing, you can open them in Emlid Studio by drag-and-dropping them into the plot area. This way, you’ll see the logs themselves.

This guide from our docs is about analysing the recorded logs. It can come in handy to check the files before post-processing.

Also, feel free to share your logs here or at support@emlid.com, and we can take a look at them for you. Thanks!

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