RAW data streaming

Hello everyone
I am developing a specific application for which I need to log the raw files (.ubx) from a reach M2. Maybe Rinex could be an option.

  • Turn on the rover, wait 5 minutes, Turn Off the rover.
  • Move
  • Turn on the rover, wait 5 minutes, Turn Off the rover.
    The sequence needs to be fairly automatic so I can turn on and off the rover using a relay controlled by a pc.
    I was thinking about using auto-start recording and at the end of the day recover the fairly large number of files saved on the M2 memory. ¿Could I lost data due to the fact that I am turning off the rover without pressing the logs recording stop button? (Having to use the phone or web interface is not an option since it needs to be automatic)

I can also try to use SSH of similar. I will be ideal if I could stream the raw data directly to my pc. ¿Any options available?
I have tried to recover the file using ssh but I cannot do that while the recording is running and there is no way to turn off recording via ssh (of which I know)

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Hi @ATN,

Welcome to the forum!

¿Could I lost data due to the fact that I am turning off the rover without pressing the logs recording stop button?

We recommend to stop the recording and then turn off the M2. You can get the logs by just shutting down the device, but we can’t guarantee that it won’t lead to the loss of logs in some cases.

I will be ideal if I could stream the raw data directly to my pc. ¿Any options available?

You can stream Reach position via Serial, TCP, and Bluetooth. To do so, you need to go to Settings > Position streaming in Emlid Flow. Will this solution work for you?

there is no way to turn off recording via ssh (of which I know)

I double-checked with our development team and it’s not possible to turn off the recording via ssh.

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