Raspberry PI OSD using NAVIO+

Hi Thanatos,

thanks for your job - I’ll be glad to send my donation (when your paypal address will be available)

It would be possible create and interface and send the video streaming with Tower - the source code is public - maybe to have an ad hoc software support on mobile phones/tablets may be usefull and help the sales.

@ 0xCCD

The upload is a bit laggy for 2.5GB image
Please be patient
This is the 4th time I am trying to upload.

I will have a look and put it on the plan.

Please sent me a link if it is possible.

I thought something like this :slight_smile: but i had to ask for, probably you can add some (screen/camera)shots while we waiting, I’ve planned to solve it on a similar way and I’m curious if it’s fits for my behavior.

If the upload does not work, i could provide you an alternative space on my root server, i guess we don’t reach the 5TB per month limit.

Luca as I can see , TOWER is using gstreamer to get video on the ground.

I am sure we can do something to achive functionaly to this software also.
Its the same (more or less) with the other gstreamer streams.

I will have a look since the community wants to use gstreamer…gstreamer will be.


Is avaliable from the above link.
Thanks to @0xCCD for the temp storage provided.

A new version will be availiable today …NOT the IMAGE …just the executable 80kb

When you run the command raspivid -t 0 -w 1080 -h 720 -fps 25 2000000 -hf -b -o - | gst-launch-1.0 -v fdsrc! h264parse! rtph264pay config-interval = 1 pt = 96! gdppay! tcpserversink host = port = 5000.
WARNING gives me the error: erroneous pipeline: no element "rtph264pay"
greetings and thanks

Does the command work in the previous installation of your NAVIO+ ?
If yes then a problem with the plugin “rtph264” which is in the gstreamer-1.0 .

I will take care and check in a few hours and come back with a solution.

We are talking about the SoftOSD image…right ?

If it works in the previous version.
The image used is SoftOSD.
I followed all the steps as you said.
Thank you very much for your work.

Some plugins are missing from the image

Please execute the following:

sudo apt-get install gstreamer1* (don’t forget the Wildcard)

raspivid -t 0 -w 1080 -h 720 -fps 25 -hf -b 2000000 -o - | gst-launch-1.0 -v fdsrc! h264parse! rtph264pay config-interval=1 gdppay! tcpserversink host= port=5000

pt = 96! has been removed

Thank you very much, and works with his instructions.
How to launch softOSD ?.
Excuse my question, but I am very newbies with my bad English and do not understand well at all.
Thank you very much for all your work.

Go to folder /home/softosdxxxx/soft osd and follow the instructions in DOC section of Emlid site.first open the camera and then the softosd.

Don’t forget to download the new version of softosd. It is only 87kbyte

Thank you.
Everything works perfect with its imdicaciones.
Where you can download the upgrade of 80kbt?.
I now use my ship in one of drones, but in another use for sending pixhawk and use raspberry with video camera and wireless Dogle 5G.
Sending the video wibroadcast in monitor mode.
You could include your OSD in this system?
mail waiting for donation.
Thank you.

Does any body measure the latency of pi camera’s on RCA output ? I have make some test and got around 180ms delay ( with raspistill -r ) Its seems a little bit high…

180msec for DAC is way to high.
Is this a measure to Ground station Reciver or just the output of Camera on RCA on Pi ?

WiFi broadcast using Gstreamer is not possible right now.
This is feature that will be added in the near future.

You can download the 0.60 version in the link below.


Download the latest version only 87Kb and replace the softOSD executable in the image.

Run it and will work.

This is a measure to ground station over cable. If you have time can you also measure it ? ( end to end )

raspistill ? or raspivid ?
you mention raspistill on your post.

raspistill delay has some logic behind.

After reading all this, it looks like there is a small community which would contribute to this project if it were open sourced. It defiantly looks promising, keep up the good work!