I am completely new to Navio2 and drones and just started a quadrocopter project with my friend.
Since I don’t want to use ArduPilot (for now) I was looking for a Raspberry PI Image without Ardupilot, Mavproxy and all the software I won’t need.
Unfortunately I couldn’t find anything with google so my question is, is there any image I could use with Navio 2 without ArduPilot, MavProxy, Emlid tool, … available? Do I even need a custom image for Navio2 if I don’t want to use Ardupilot?
It is the easiest way to follow. Emlid image for Navio is with a custom kernel and other items needed to interface it with the raspberry.
You do not need to use ardupilot, it doesn’t run by default. If you want to use it (most of us do), you have to configure it (with or without emlidtool).
Okay so I understand I need the custom kernel modules for the Navio shield to work.
I just like the idea of an host OS as slim as possible. I went through the repos on Github and there are a few things related to the raspberry image but I can’t figure out where I can get an image without Ardupilot or generate one myself.
Done a lot of programming myself but never on embedded system so I don’t know a lot.
If you guys can give me any hints I would appreciate it. As of now I deleted some of the ArduPilot stuff on the pi and I got rid of the startup message. So that works for me right now.