Questions about initializing the RTK base on RS2 receiver

Hi there!

I have a question about starting the base in RTK mode.

Is the RS2 antenna model, available on the NGS website, used in messages sent by the receiver?

When starting the base mode with the “Manual” option, do I need to put the height of the receiver plus that offset of 0.134m or is the height at the base of the receiver sufficient?

Hi Pedro,

Antenna details like an antenna name can be sent in the 1006 RTCM3 message. Reach RS2 sends GPSNULLANTENNA value there since this is industry-standard.

If you set up the base with the “Average” option, it will transmit the antenna phase center coordinates. That’s why there is no need to specify the antenna name in the 1006 message additionally.

However, if you use the “Manual” option, you need to add 0.134m to the antenna height.


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