I’m blocked with the Radio Setup in QGC. I’m using a radio FS-I6X and receiver FS-IA6B connected to NAVIO2+RP3A+.
I’ve enabled the PPM on the TX and by running the NAVIO2 tests in python, I can see the values changing when I move the sticks up and down in the range 1000 to 2000 … but on QGC when I start the calibration, I only see changes on channel 5 and 6 that are the rotary knob. For Throttle, Pitch, Yaw, Roll, no chances! so I can’t complete the calibration procedure …
Any idea why this is happening? Maybe a parameter on QGC I need to change?
As far as I know the NAVIO2 supports PPM or SBUS … not the iBus
What I’m doing right now is to connect the very first 3-pins output of the navio2 with the PPM/CH1 channel of the FS-IA6B Receiver. One wire for ground, one for 5V and the third (the upper one) for the signal … No other cables in between Receiver and Navio 2 except those 3 wires. And it works because via the NAVIO2 python tests I can actually read the movements of the sticks … but not with QGC. Any other ideas? thanks : )
Thanks Marc for your reply but I don’t understand how to make it work …
changing the TX setting is something I can do easily
Moving the plug on the Rx: to where? With iBus there are the 2 plugs perpendicular to the others (depicted in green) one says SENS the other SERVO. Should I use one of them? please can explicit more? and what about the NAVIO2 side?
thank you! I’ll try this as well asap …
In the mean time I solved the problem why QGC doesn’t recognize the PPM … very stupid reason behind … I had the virtual joystick enabled and that prevented the REAL radio to be read. Now it works perfectly and I calibrated successfully!
Thanks a lot for your time and hints : )