Problem: Time Stamp Cannot Convert Issue

Hey everyone,

I am having the Time Stamp Cannot be converted issue that many folks seem to have. I see everyone seems to get it to work but no one has mentioned really what their solution was for fixing it.


I am using the Software Emlid Flow, and Emlid Studio 1.8.
From what I can see on the forums there is an issue with GPST and the UTC timestamp that the Emlid Flow app outputs?

What is the actual solution here?
Do i need to convert my .csv from Emlid flow? Do i need to change all the times to GPST if so why is the Flow app exporting a file that Cannot be used?

I would like to know what the solution to fix this is as I am sure this will come up again.

I can’t actually share the data for this project unfortunately.

Hi @jason.ryerson,

Welcome to the community!

Unfortunately, we would need to look into the data to understand the issue. If possible, you can send it to us via email at We’ll investigate it.


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