PreArm check RC not calibrated

I’m setting up my first quad with Navio2 and ArduPilot. The APM Planner keeps telling me “PreArm check RC not calibrated”. When I go to the Radio calibration area I can see 4 out of 8 channels reacting to my input… I tried calibrating but nothing’s changed.
What am I doing wrong? How can I calibrate the other 4 channels?
I’ve got a Taranis X9D plus with an X8R receiver.


by default there are only 4 channels (the sticks) configured in the Taranis, when you add a new model. You have to configure channel 5-8 by yourself. The sticks are used by almost every model in the same way, but what you want to do with the other channels depends on the requirements of your model and your liking.

I hope this helps.

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Thanks for your reply.
Yesterday I made it working after setting up more channels on the transmitter (some switches and pots) so that the rest of the radios could be calibrated. Now Navios LED is blue.