Ppp / ibge-brazil


Good evening!!!

I don’t know if anyone has noticed or evaluated this:
When doing the PPP of IBGE do Brasil, the .SUM file reports, in Section 3.2 Observed Session, a large number of rejected observations.
For example:

Number of observations processed: 153103 GPS
Number of observations rejected: 155663 GPS

Number of observations processed: 152438 GLONASS
Number of rejected observations: 80526 GLONASS

I did tests with files from other equipment, including a SOUTH I had, and none of them have so many rejections.

Is that correct?
Can it influence the quality of PPP?
Why does this happen with RS2?

What happens if you submit the same data to NRCAN PPP? It will also show rejections in the end report.

Hi @mauricioranzan,

Have you had an opportunity to test Christian’s suggestion and upload the file to the NRCAN?

It’d be also great if you could share the observation file with us so that we can check it as well.

Good Morning,

The first submission to the NRCA reported in error.
I haven’t been able to review and resubmit it yet.

Here are some basic files that I did PPP / IBGE.

02052020 PPP.zip (8.8 MB)

Hi @mauricioranzan,

Thanks for the file!

Would you mind sharing the UBX file as well?

Good Morning



Hi @mauricioranzan,

Thanks for sharing the files!

I’ll take a look at them and will get back with the news.

Hey everyone,

Thanks for your patience!

I’ve double-checked the data you uploaded to the IBGE-PPP. Indeed, the number of rejected epochs is almost equal to the number of processed ones.

I’ve checked the log with NRCAN as well. CSRS-PPP service processed all of the epochs and didn’t reject a single one. You can check the screenshot from the report below.

It seems like the issue with the rejected epochs depends on the processing methods of the service. I’d suggest converting the logs using the interpolation feature in the RTKLIB. It’d be great if you could check whether it helps to reduce the number of rejected epochs during the processing with IBGE-PPP service.


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