PPK - survey point Reach GPS


Can someone points me to a tutorial or a topic to use PPK based on static survey made with a single reach rover module (rover) ?

We don’t want to proceed PPK on raw log file but post process accurate location of statiic survey of points based on external information from a public bases network (Walocrs, in Wallonia).

There is a lot of info about how to process ppk of raw log but not on specific survey points.

Thanks in advance,


When not doing RTK, but instead, collecting the raw logs for post processing of static points (PPS), this is the basic workflow that I have used:

TL;DR --> capture a separate log file for each point, which lets you post-process each point separately.

In the field:

  • Place base station and turn on raw log
  • Place rover on point 1 and turn on raw log
    • write point name and log start time in notebook
    • consider taking a picture of the point with your camera
    • when finished ( 2min, 10min, 30min, 24hrs, etc.), turn off raw log
  • Move rover to point 2 and turn on raw log
    • write point name and log start time in notebook
    • when finished, turn off raw log
  • Repeat until all points collected
  • Shut down base station

Back at the office:

  • Download the raw log files from base and rover.

  • Convert rover raw log file for point 1 into RINEX

    • Append point name to the RINEX file(s) or place in folder named ‘point 1’
    • Note the precise start and end time of the log
  • Convert rover raw log file for point 2 into RINEX

    • Append point name to the RINEX file(s) or place in folder named ‘point 2’
    • Note the precise start and end time of the log
  • Repeat until all rover logs are converted

  • Now, convert base raw log file into RINEX

    • restrict the conversion between the start and end times from point 1
    • append the file name with “point 1” or place in the folder for the point 1
  • Again, convert base raw log file into RINEX

    • this time, restrict the conversion between the start and end times from point 2
    • append the file name with “point 2” or place in the folder for the point 2
  • Repeat, until a base RINEX file is created for each point.

  • Now post-process the RINEX files

    • Rover point 1 with Base point 1
    • Rover point 2 with Base point 2
    • Repeat until all files are post-processed
  • Finished!

*note: If your base log is quite small, then you might consider processing the whole log instead of splitting it up. The reason for splitting it up is that large logs files can take a lot of time to post-process and also could cause an insufficient memory error during post-processing.



This is a workaround but not really ‘clean’. We should be able to collect points just like we do in RTK and post process it back to office.

I think many reach RS users must have the need for PPK surveys!

Can we have a return from EMLID about this ?



Hello Adrien,

We understand this workflow is far from perfect. RINEX events for surveying are in our roadmap and we will start working on this feature very soon indeed.

1 Like

I have somewhat similar way to Bide, explained in short here

Its often survey done within an one hour or so. No, hugh log files is an issue

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