PPK processing of multispectral drone data

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  1. Emlid Studio app version 1.8.
  2. Raw data you use for post-processing (NA).
  3. According to the documentation, “Emlid Studio can only geotag photos when the number of timestamps is equal to the number of photos”. So is it possible to PPK process multispectral data when each camera trigger has multiple bands (multiple tiff files for same location)?
  4. I am using Agisoft metashape to process DJI Mavic 3 Multispectral data. I can ppk process the RGB data because the number of photos match the number of timestamps, but this does not work with the multispectral data because of the mismatch (there are many more photos/files than timestamps). I’m looking for a workaround to geotag multiple files. I cannot find a workflow for this anywhere.
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Hi @bigeyepuna,

Welcome to the community!

Currently, Emlid Studio doesn’t support TIFF file processing. However, we really value user feedback, and I will add yours as a +1 to our feature request.

We don’t have it planned, so I can’t give an ETA, but I will let you know when I have any updates. Thank you!

I would like to seccond this feature request. We are also using the DJI Mavic 3 Multispectral and it would be great if we could use Emlid Studio for the PPK.

Hi Mario,

I’ve also added your request and welcome to the community!

Also, feel free to create a new thread if you have any other questions.