Power Module (Voltage divisor & Ampere per Volt)

This still persists. Been verified over multiple installs…

Running latest Emlid Raspbian on Navio2/RPi3 with AC 3.4.6

Amps per volt on a 120A current sense with a 3.3v range should be 36.3 Amps per Volt.

Parameter must be set to 363 to read in the neighborhood of correct. Final value based on entering measured value was 340.

Not sure if this is a driver or software issue on the Emlid side, or an error in ArduCopter.

I have a test device that allows me to pull 14 Amps continuous so it’s not due to low side inaccuracies.

Voltage reading is fine.

EDIT: Forgot to mention I am running an AUAV module. And I have seen it with AttoPilot as well. This is not a problem on the power module side. Other than the swings in current readings. Still does not account for suspicious factor of ten error…

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