Post processing with SBAS

HI guys,
I used leica infinity for post processing GNSS observations in static mode. I wanted to see the effect of SBAS, so I processed including and excluding SBAS. But the solution was same in both ways and only the GPS,Glonass and Galileo were used in processing according to the results.

anyone know how to solve this issue?

Do all of your log files have SBAS included?

Yes, In observations 3 sbas satellites were detected

On the base and rover? The same three satellites on each?

Hi @NovaSL,

Welcome to the community! At the moment, Reach can track SBAS but doesn’t use it to improve calculations. This is because SBAS provides an accuracy of about 1-meter CEP, which can vary greatly depending on location. We’ve also conducted some tests on our end, and the results showed that SBAS doesn’t significantly improve accuracy.



Thank you, but in this case leica infinity only uses 3 satellite constellations and other satellite constellations including sbas and beidou have not been used. Is there any reason for that?

Because as @merryna.anggriani mentioned SBAS is not sufficiently accurate and Beidou is essentially useless with the type of orbits they use, especially in the US. If I need to PPK they are almost always taken out of the processing.


Had this same issue 2 years ago

Did you find a solution?

The receiver is able to track the SBAS but doesn’t use it as a calculation. This way, it’s not recorded on the log. For the Beidou, is this satellite shown in the Rinex file or Emlid Studio?